Mike Judge Presents Tales From The Tour Bus Stream
Mike Judge Presents Tales From The Tour Bus Stream is a television show that aired in September 2017. The show is a mix of animation and live-action interviews that showcase the wild lives of some of music's biggest legends. The show's creator is Mike Judge, best known for creating the hit television show Beavis and Butt-head, as well as the cult classic movie Office Space.
The Plot
The show's concept is simple, yet it works so well. Each episode is dedicated to a different musician or band and tells their story through interviews with people who were there, along with animated reenactments of their wild behavior. The show is a mix of comedy and drama, bringing to life some of the most famous stories from the world of music.
Some of the musicians and bands featured on the show include George Clinton, James Brown, Johnny Paycheck, and Jerry Lee Lewis, among others. The stories range from hilarious to tragic, and each episode is a fascinating look at the lives of these legendary musicians.
The Animation
The show's animation style is unique and eye-catching. It's a blend of traditional animation and live-action footage, giving the show a distinctive look that's unlike anything else on television. The animation brings to life the outrageous stories being told, making the show even more entertaining to watch.
The animation is also used to fill in the gaps where there are no photos or videos of the events being described. For example, in the James Brown episode, there's a hilarious animated sequence that shows Brown getting into a fight with his tour manager over a sandwich. It's these small details that make the show so much fun to watch.
The Interviews
The interviews in the show are some of the best parts. The producers managed to get interviews with some of the musicians themselves, as well as with people who worked with them and knew them well. These interviews are often very candid and reveal details about the musicians that most people never knew.
The interviews are also mixed with live-action footage of the musicians performing or being interviewed in the past. This gives the show a sense of authenticity and makes it feel like you're learning about the musicians and their lives from a reliable source.
The Music
Of course, the music is also a big part of the show. Each episode is filled with classic songs from the featured musician or band. Hearing the music in the context of the stories being told makes the songs even more memorable and enjoyable.
The show also features interviews with musicians who were influenced by the featured artist. For example, in the Jerry Lee Lewis episode, there are interviews with Kid Rock and Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top, who talk about how Lewis influenced their own music.
Mike Judge Presents Tales From The Tour Bus Stream is a must-watch show for any fan of music. The show is a unique blend of animation, live-action footage, and interviews that bring to life the wild stories of some of music's biggest legends. The animation is eye-catching, the interviews are candid, and the music is classic. Whether you're a fan of George Clinton, James Brown, or Jerry Lee Lewis, this show is guaranteed to entertain and inform.