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Duke Nukem 3d 20th Anniversary World Tour Cheats Steam

Released on October 11th, 2016, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour is a remastered version of the classic first-person shooter game that was originally released in 1996. The updated version includes new levels, enhanced graphics, and improved gameplay, making it a must-play for fans of the original game and newcomers alike. But what if you want to breeze through the game or just have some fun? Fear not! We've got you covered with this guide on Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour cheats for Steam.

Activating the Cheat Console

Before we dive into the actual cheats, we need to activate the cheat console. To do this, simply press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard, and a console window will appear at the bottom of your screen. Type in the following code: dnstuffand press Enter.

Activating The Cheat Console

God Mode

If you're looking for invincibility, God Mode is the cheat for you. Simply type dnkroz in the console, and Duke will become invulnerable for the rest of the level.

God Mode

All Weapons and Ammo

If you want to stock up on all the weapons and ammo in the game, type in dnweapons in the console, and Duke will be equipped with all the weapons and full ammo for each weapon.

All Weapons And Ammo

Clip Capacity and Rapid Fire

If you're tired of constantly reloading, the dnammo cheat will increase your clip capacity and give you rapid fire for all weapons.

Clip Capacity And Rapid Fire

Level Select

If you want to skip levels or replay your favorites, type in dnscotty followed by a number (1-4) to instantly warp to the corresponding episode and level.

Level Select

Invisibility and No Clipping

For those who want to sneak around or explore freely, the dncornholio cheat will grant Duke temporary invisibility, while dncashman will let him walk through walls and other obstacles.

Invisibility And No Clipping


With these cheats, navigating Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour just got easier and more fun. Whether you're a hardcore fan or just looking for a way to spice up your gameplay experience, these cheats will surely come in handy. Now go out there and save the world, Duke style!

Related video of Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour Cheats Steam - Secrets, Tips, and Tricks