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Pga Tour Average Proximity To Hole By Distance

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Golf is a sport that requires a combination of skill, practice and patience. The Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) Tour is the primary organizer of men's professional golf tours in the United States and North America. The PGA Tour is responsible for organizing and sanctioning golf tournaments throughout the year. One important statistic that golf fans and players alike pay attention to is the average proximity to the hole by distance. This statistic is a measure of how close a golfer typically hits the ball to the hole from various distances on the golf course.

What is Average Proximity To Hole By Distance?

Golf Course Distance

Average proximity to hole by distance is a statistic used in golf that measures the average distance a golfer's ball lands from the hole after their tee shot. It is measured in feet or meters, depending on the location of the tournament. This statistic is important because it gives fans and players an idea of how skilled a golfer is at hitting their shots close to the hole from a specific distance. The average proximity to hole by distance can vary depending on the golf course, the weather conditions, and the skill level of the golfer.

How is Average Proximity To Hole By Distance Calculated?

Golf Score Card

The PGA Tour collects data on each shot that is hit during a tournament. This data includes the distance of the shot from the tee, the location of the shot on the golf course, and the number of shots that it took to get the ball in the hole. Using this data, the PGA Tour calculates the average proximity to the hole by distance for each golfer in the tournament. The average is calculated by taking the total distance of all shots hit from a specific distance and dividing it by the number of shots played.

What are the Averages for Different Distances?

Golf Putter

The average proximity to the hole by distance varies depending on the distance from the tee. Here are the averages for the PGA Tour:

  • From 75-100 yards: 14 feet
  • From 100-125 yards: 18 feet
  • From 125-150 yards: 22 feet
  • From 150-175 yards: 26 feet
  • From 175-200 yards: 30 feet
  • From 200-225 yards: 34 feet
  • From 225-250 yards: 39 feet
  • From 250-275 yards: 43 feet
  • From 275-300 yards: 47 feet

These averages are based on data collected from the PGA Tour over multiple seasons. It is important to note that these averages can vary depending on the golf course and the weather conditions.

Why is Average Proximity To Hole By Distance Important?

Golf Course Green

Average proximity to the hole by distance is important because it gives fans and players an idea of how skilled a golfer is at hitting their shots close to the hole from various distances on the golf course. The closer a golfer can hit the ball to the hole, the better their chances of making a birdie or a par. Professional golfers strive to improve their average proximity to the hole by distance in order to lower their scores and increase their chances of winning tournaments.


Golf Ball

Knowing the average proximity to the hole by distance is important for golf fans and players alike. It gives an indication of how skilled a golfer is at hitting their shots close to the hole from various distances on the golf course. This statistic can help players identify areas of their game that need improvement and can help fans appreciate the skill and precision required to play golf at a professional level.

Related video of Pga Tour Average Proximity To Hole By Distance